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Plantains are starchy fruits similar to bananas but are typically larger and have thicker skin. Unlike bananas, plantains are usually cooked before eating due to their firmer texture and less sweet flavor. They are a staple food in many tropical regions and are versatile in culinary uses, ranging from fried and baked to boiled or mashed.

Depending on their ripeness, plantains can be green (unripe), yellow (ripe), or black (overripe), with each stage offering different flavors and textures. Green plantains are often used in savory dishes, while ripe plantains are sweeter and can be used in desserts.


Available year round


Ecuador, Colombia

Pack Size:

Green Tip Case, 40#- #10331
Green Tip Pound, #10336

Green Case, 40#- #10330
Green Pound, #10335

Ripe Case, 40#- #10332
Ripe Pound, #10337
