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Limes, Finger Limes

  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:


  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    1/2 pint- #50547

Finger limes are a micro-citrus originally discovered growing wild in Australia. The interior pulp can best be described as citrus pearls, or citrus caviar which can be squeezed out of the finger lime and used in any place that you would use a lemon or lime. The flavor is similar to that of a lemon-lime-grapefruit combo, the juice bursts from the citrus pearls when bitten into. The rind of the finger lime can become very dark and appear bruised, this is normal. 

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  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:

    Newcastle, CA- Twin Peaks Orchards

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    10# case- #50518
    Pound- #60510

  • Seasonality/Availability:


The smallest member of the citrus family, kumquats, like their larger relatives, originated in China.  Resembling a tiny oval or round orange, kumquats are the easiest fruit to eat-after a quick rinse, just pop them in your mouth, skin, seeds and all.  Kumquats are different from other citrus fruits in that the skin is sweet and the flesh is very tart.  Look for firm fruit without blemishes.  Kumquats are in season from November through March.

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  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:


  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    175ct case- #10635
    1/2case- #100634
    Pound- #100636
    Each- #100635

    110/150ct case- #10666

    Lime Wedges, 5# bag- #21476

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Year round

Like lemons, Limes are too acidic to eat out of hand, but their juice can used to brighten the flavor of other ingredients.

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Grapefruit, Pommelo

  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:

    Newcastle, CA - Twin Peaks Orchards

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    30# case

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available in cooler winter months

The pummelo is a large oversized sweet, mild grapefruit, weighing 2-3 pounds each with thick skin, white flesh and tart flavor. It has very little, or none, of the common grapefruit's bitterness, but the pith around the segments is bitter.

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  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:

    Northern/Central California

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    25# case- #10827
    Pound- #100840

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available in warm summer months, typically from Dwelley Farms or Northern California

Pluots are a hybrid fruit, a cross between plums and apricots, known for their smooth skin, juicy flesh, and sweet-tart flavor. They come in various colors, ranging from deep purple to bright red or green, with flesh that can be anything from golden yellow to vibrant pink. Pluots are typically sweeter than plums and have a firmer texture, making them a popular choice for fresh eating, baking, or adding to salads. Their unique combination of flavors offers the best of both parent fruits.

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Peach, Yellow and White

  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:

    Twin Peaks Orchards, Newcastle, CA
    Northern/Central California

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    Single Layer Case, Yellow- #10837
    Single Layer Case, White- #10812

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available in warm summer months, typically from Twin Peaks Orchards

Peaches are juicy, sweet fruits with a fuzzy, velvety skin that can range in color from yellow to reddish-orange. Inside, they have soft, aromatic flesh that can be yellow, white, or even red, depending on the variety, with a central pit that is usually not edible. Known for their rich, sweet flavor with a hint of tartness, peaches are a summer favorite, enjoyed fresh, in desserts like pies and cobblers, or even grilled. Their fragrance and juiciness make them a beloved fruit in many cuisines around the world. Difference in Freestone and Clingstone Freestone: In these peaches, the flesh easily...

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Nectarine, Yellow and White

  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:

    Twin Peaks Orchards, Newcastle, CA
    Northern/Central California

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    Single Layer Case, Yellow- #10828
    Single Layer Case, White- #10838

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available in warm summer months, typically from Twin Peaks Orchards

Nectarines are a smooth-skinned variety of stone fruit, with a bright, shiny exterior that can range in color from yellow to deep red. Inside, their flesh is similar to peaches, with a sweet, juicy taste and a firm texture that can be either yellow or white. Nectarines are slightly firmer and have a more intense flavor than peaches, with a hint of tartness. Like peaches, they can be freestone or clingstone, depending on whether the flesh clings to the pit. Nectarines are enjoyed fresh, in desserts, or grilled for a delicious treat. Difference in Freestone and Clingstone Freestone: In these...

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Plum, Red and Black

  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:

    Twin Peaks Orchards, Newcastle, CA
    Northern/Central California

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    20# Case- #10822
    Pound- #100818

    Italian Prune Plum- #10835

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available in warm summer months, typically from Twin Peaks Orchards

Plums are juicy, round or oval-shaped fruits with smooth skin that ranges in color from deep purple to red, yellow, or green. Inside, they have sweet to tart flesh that can vary in color from golden yellow to deep red, surrounding a central pit. Plums are known for their rich, sweet flavor with a slight tang, and they can be eaten fresh, dried (as prunes), or used in cooking and baking.

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Vanilla Puree

  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:

    Twin Peaks Orchards, Newcastle, CA
    Northern/Central California

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    20# Case- #10822
    Pound- #100818

    Italian Prune Plum- #10835

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available in warm summer months, typically from Twin Peaks Orchards

Vanilla puree is a thick, smooth mixture made by blending vanilla beans or vanilla extract with a sweetener, often combined with a liquid like water or cream. It has a rich, concentrated vanilla flavor and is commonly used as a flavoring ingredient in desserts, sauces, and beverages.

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