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Cottage Cheese - Clover Sonoma

  • Produce Type: Cheese - Semi-Hard Cheese
  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    Pack size: 5# tub; 
    Also available in a 12/8oz (6#) case with a 48-hour pre-order.

Cottage cheese is a cheese curd product with a mild flavor. It is drained, but not pressed, so some whey remains and the individual curds remain loose. The curd is usually washed to remove acidity, giving sweet curd cheese. It is not aged or colored. Different styles of cottage cheese are made from milks with different fat levels and in small curd or large curd preparations. Cottage cheese which is pressed becomes hoop cheese, farmer cheese, pot cheese or queso blanco.

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  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:

    Salinas seasonally
    Mexico, South America year round

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    Case, 12/6oz- #10425
    1/2 case- #100423

    20# case, Frozen- #10444

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available year round

Blackberries are a purple-black fruit, oblong in shape, growing up to 1 1/2inches in length. They are semi-soft and, depending on variety, range from tart to sweet in flavor and usually contain seeds.  Due to a wide range of growing areas, blackberries are available year round. True peak season is late spring through summer. Blackberries grown out of season are no match in flavor or texture for the seasonal farmers market type of berry.

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  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:


  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    24/12oz case- #10449
    12oz bag- #100454

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Frozen available year-round; fresh are available seasonally in the fall/early winter months.

Cranberries are small, bright red berries harvested from low growing scrubby, woody plants that grow in moors and bogs that contain acidic soil. They have a distinctively sharp, acidic flavor and are commonly used in sauces, juices, jams, and baked goods.

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  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:


  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    Frozen, 5#- #10450

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available year round, only frozen

Huckleberries are small, round berries that resemble blueberries. They can range in color from red to dark purple or black and have a sweet-tart flavor, often more intense than that of blueberries. Huckleberries are commonly used in pies, jams, syrups, and desserts.

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Grapes, Champagne

  • Produce Type: Produce Type Not Specified
  • Origin:


  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    Case, 12/2#- #10525

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available late summer

Champagne grapes are small, green to yellow grapes known for their sweet, intense flavor and firm texture. These grapes are highly prized for their rich taste and are often enjoyed fresh as a snack or in fruit salads. Champagne grapes are also used in cooking and baking, thanks to their vibrant flavor.

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Grapes, Concord

  • Produce Type: Produce - Apples
  • Origin:


  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    Case, 10/1#- #10532

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available late summer

Concord grapes are a variety of dark purple to blue grapes known for their bold, sweet, and tangy flavor with a distinctive grape aroma. They have a thick skin and are often used in making grape juice, jellies, jams, and wines, particularly in the production of Concord grape juice and sweet red wines.

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Estero Gold - Valley Ford Cheese Co.

  • Produce Type: Cheese - Cows Milk Cheeses
  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    Pack size: 8# wheel

Estero gold is handmade in the style of an Asiago, reminiscent of a Montasio, two of the famous cheeses from the Swiss-Italian dairy country. Our young cheese, at about 6 months aged, is very pliable, with grassy, fruity overtones. As it continues to age, the flavor deepens, becoming complex and nutty. It has an open texture with small holes and straw-like coloring.

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Apple - Braeburn

  • Produce Type: Produce - Apples
  • Origin:

    Apple Hill- Camino, CA

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    40# case only (#10155)

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Late summer through fall

The perfectly balanced sweetness and refreshing crisp flesh of a Braeburn makes it the perfect dessert apple. It is not overly sugary with flavors that are complex and juicy. It is best when cooled slightly below room temperature.

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Apple - Granny Smith

  • Produce Type: Produce - Apples
  • Origin:

    Seasonally from Apple Hill- Camino, CA

  • Quantity/Pack Size:

    88ct, 40# case (#10130)
    100ct, 40# case (#10140)
    Each (#100130)
    Pound (#100131)
    Apple Hill, Seasonal, 40# case (#10191)

  • Seasonality/Availability:

    Available year round, grown locally in the fall from Larsen Apple Barn

Granny Smith apples are most often used in baking preparations because of their high acidity and ability to hold their shape under cooking. Granny Smith apples are bright green with white flesh and are very juicy and firm. Their flavor is pleasantly tart-sweet, with a crunchy texture.

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